Admission: is $10, under 12 free.

Hamfest Hours:

  • The hamfest will be open to the public Sat, 9:00–4:30 PM and Sun, 9:00–3:00 PM.
  • Grand prize drawing will be Saturday at 4:00 PM and Sunday at 2:00 PM.
  • Move-in hours for dealers and flea market are Fri, 10:00 AM–8:00 PM and Sat, 7:00–9:00 AM.

DX Card Checking: Representatives will be available to field check your DX cards for DXCC credit. Visit the NADXC booth for information.

Hospitality Suites: Huntsville Hamfest will host Hospitality Rooms on Friday and Saturday nights, at Embassy Suites, Room 201 from 5:30 — 10:30 PM. Come by and talk to the great, the near great, and those who just think they are great!

License Exams:  Exams are conducted outside of the paid-admission area. Exams will begin at 10:00 sharp. Saturday and Sunday in the curtained area outside the South Hall. Bring your original license, copy of same, any CSCEs you want to present. Also, a government-issued picture ID. The test fee is $10.00; $5.00 for students. CASH ONLY. Please see the CAVEC website for more info:

Talk-in station: Our always welcoming and always helpful  talk-in crew will be operating as K4BFT on the 146.94-, 100Hz tone, repeater for complete talk-in information. Back-up frequency is 145.33-, 100Hz tone, repeater.

HAYLARC YL Breakfast: The Huntsville Area Young Ladies Amateur Radio Club (HAYLARC) invites all YLs attending the Huntsville Hamfest to join them for a Dutch breakfast at the Embassy Suites  7:00-8:00 on Sunday morning,  For additional info click <here>.

Parking: The city parking garage across the street from the VBC will be open with a parking fee of $5. The South Hall where the Hamfest is located has 500 space parking underground with a parking fee of $10. Elevators in the SE corner of the garage will carry you up to the hamfest.